Tesco Marketing Strategy

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Today’s biggest retailer in UK, Tesco had dominated the market since it established by Jack Cohen in London, back to 1919. Tesco is now operating in 14 countries all across the world and serving nearly a millions of customers every day. The company is being operated in 5 types of store layouts in term of Metro and Superstore which mostly stated in UK, Express and Extra is what we can see in other Asia countries, and it also expand further to Tesco Online to gain more profit in the past few years. Alongside from its shiny history and huge scale, Tesco’s glory seems to go downhill in recent years, especially when profits declined is larger than expected and the fall in market share, these circumstances are caused by the quality of products and…show more content…
In fact, Tesco has literally responded the market under the rapid expending strategy, but unfortunately quality of products and services have also been compromised, the company has the “lowest overall customer satisfaction metrics in the grocery industry”(Graham 2014) research by specialist advisory firm Lazarus has claimed. The survey by Lazarus has also found that on the criteria of price, product, quality and overall customers experience had classified Tesco behind its competitors. It is important for Tesco to look for new ways to control the performance of their organization. And there are three types of control will be applied which is feedforward control, concurrent control and feedback control. First to refer is feedforward control, whereby Tesco attempt to control the average standard of employees in the selection of new employees, distinguish the skill needed and working experience in a standard to hire people who have those skills. Moreover, monitoring staffs how they…show more content…
The work didn’t end up at good services and products, progress should never be settled but to improve, refer to the concept of feedback control, Tesco can also prepare formal reports to measure the actual performance in numbers, for example a monthly sales data and customers satisfaction to decide which part needs to take corrective action. On the other side, a shortage in workforces is also found at the same time, worker numbers were cut to the bone that it expand the business too fast, service grieved, stores looked exhausted, and there was a lack of motivation on workers. According to William Reed Business Media, Tesco’s new CEO Dave Lewis has given the approval for store managers to put more staff hours on the shop floor, in a bid to tackle damaged morale and get the retailer’s store improvement program back on track. It is impossible to solve the problem by raising workforce in short run, this could only enlarge the financial burden that they already have. Therefore motivation is exceptionally necessary at the mean time to unite their employees. One recommendation is to motivate employees by using one of a reinforcement tool, positive
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