Beach Of Falesa Analysis

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Robert Louis Stevenson was a Victorian celebrity famous for his Treasure Island (1883), Kidnapped (1886), The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1885). He was a poet and his famous poetry collection A Child’s Garden of Verses (1885) is constantly reprinted. He wrote about the south pacific Sea Islands broadened the imagination of millions of British Readers giving them insight into far lands and strange communities. He wrote the beach of Falesa after he travelled to Samoa in 1889. The edition of the text was reproduced in the Oxford world classic’s edition of south sea tales edited by Roslyn jolly (1996). The beach of falesa was a novella or long short story in south sea tales book. It was a hybrid form that was Longish short story and divided into five chapters that wrote by a number of prominent writers including Arthur Conan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling, HernyJames and Stevenson himself. So this essay…show more content…
Falesa is presented as an ‘’imaginary paradise island’ ’However, it has a supernatural air as the windward side of the island is uninhabited and it is said to be haunted by witches who enchant men and turn them insane. Throughout this poetic and romantic description, Stevenson linked with travel writings and records through memoirs his ‘’own experience of landfall on his first pacific island, NukuHiva in the Marques as group’ ’on 20 July 1888. Wiltshire descriptions engage all his senses: the smell of lime and vanilla, the cool breeze, the prospect of hearing new words and the bright moon and the day star sparkling like a diamond .The circulation of books that translated bibles among the natives is another realistic element in the story. This is a representation of missionaries work on the

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