Technology Negative Effects

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Have you ever wondered what the world night be like without technology? People have come to rely more on it than they do themselves. Although many do not notice it, technology has taken over the world almost entirely. People naturally look for a way out of things that are hard and that is what this high tech machinery is doing for our society. It has definitely impacted the world socially. People think they can just hide themselves behind their electronics so they are clueless when it comes to the world around them. Technology has had a negative impact on our interactions with others because we haven’t developed good social skills, it has put a label on the way we think we should see ourselves, and it makes us feel like the only friends…show more content…
We have often assumed that if we don’t present ourselves a certain way then we shouldn’t be seen in public. Some people go through depression and feel like maybe their life isn’t worth living if they don’t like the way they look and it is easy to compare yourself to people you see on the internet. It is very easy to go on Google and look up the latest celebrities and find how attractive they might be. It is hard not to think that we are too ugly or not cool enough if we don’t look or do things the way they do. These idols can make us put too much effort into our appearance. It is very hard to interact with others because of the fear of being…show more content…
In the present high tech world there are multiple ways to communicate online whether it is playing video games or using a cellphone. Most people only care about how many friends they have on Snapchat, Facebook, or who requested to follow them on Instagram. Are they our real friends? People, especially teenagers, don’t see a point in or even know how to talk to their friends in person due to new technological advancements. Technology has made it easy to have friends without actually putting any effort into being a true friend. Some people might say that technology has allowed people to contact each other with just one click of a button. They believe that technology has shaped the people of this world into far greater than they ever could have imagined. Have those people thought about the risks that might come from it? People can rely too much on it that they never want to visit friends and family face to face. It has become very easy for us to hide away from the world and instead of going out to shop or eat food, we choose to visiting stores and restaurants online and have them deliver it right to our
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