Essay On Democratization In Bhutan

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Introduction Bhutan is the smallest country sandwich between china and India, due to Geographical condition, Bhutan was divided into many regions and most region were ruled by powerful people. Bhutan had theocracy system and people were fighting for different posts. During the reign of third Druk Gyalpo Jigme Dorji Wangchuck(1952) decentralization was initiated for transferring powers, authority, function, responsibilities from central government to local government to make their own independent decision or collective voice to make decision. They interact with each other to share information as per Khare. According to Oxford dictionary, democratization is making something accessible to everyone or peoples participation in making decision. Therefore, is it clear that democratization exist because of decentralization. According to Cambridge dictionary Democracy is belief in freedom and equality between people, or a system of government based on his belief, in which power is either held by elected representative or directly by the people themselves: even though…show more content…
The lhengye Zhungtshog was initially formed in 1968 by Tshogdu Chhenmo (National Assembly) on the recommendation of the late king Jigme Dorji Wangchuck due to increase in developmental activities taking place in our country. Parliament have control over lhengye Zhungtshog to create extra minister if required and reduce minister if it is not required. lhengye zhungtshog must advise king about all the external and internal affairs and prime minister must inform king about affairs time to time. lhengye zhungtshog divides work among various ministers and secretaries. They plan and coordinates government policies and assure working. In the parliamentary form of government budget is prepared by lhengye zhungtshog and the finance minister present it to Legislature for endorsement and they must represent the kingdom at home and

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