Negative Effects Of Technology

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Title of Paper Name of Student Wilmington University Abstract The technology plays a great role in development of the society. It has brought many benefits advancing the life in inventing many things. But at the same time it also threats the nations which have already appeared or yet to. The rise in core of technologies has already brought changes in the globe leading to many unethical morals in the development of humankind. Though it is still at the early stage of its trajectory, it may lead to distractions in in the lifestyle thus resulting in bad environment of health issues, wars and global warming . We discuss…show more content…
Global Warming, Rise in temperatures, shift in weather, huge fuel consumption, and dependency on robots, unethical genetic diseases, and Atomic/Chemical/Biological warfare exists due to negative effects of technology. Negative effects of Technology will ruin the entire world into dark…show more content…
An American author quoted “I am not a Luddite. I am suspicious of Technology, am perfectly aware of its benefits, but I also try to pay attention to some of the negative effect”. This statement really made me think of the current education system in the society. The education system is being developed with high tech classrooms. We embrace the benefits of using iPads during class and teaching students while using smart TVs. We know the many benefits of incorporating technology while teaching, such as adding diversity to lessons, increasing student interaction, and bringing new knowledge to the class. But there can be a negative side resulting from overuse of technology, and have a serious long-term consequences. For instance Technology changes the way children think and feel. For instance using of mobile games for most of the time impacts on brain where children don’t have enough opportunities to use their imagination or to read and think deeply about the material. This results in less physical contact, difficulty developing social skills and emotional reactions. So the society should help the kids to make the best out of tools of technology. Teachers and parents must also recognize their downsides and how to avoid
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