Critical Path Analysis In Project Management

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Network planning is basically a planning and control technique that is based on the use of a network diagram. However, this technique helps in planning, scheduling and controlling the projects that consist of various interrelated activities. On the other hand, critical path analysis is a technique that identifies the activities necessary to complete a task, including identifying the time necessary to complete each activity and relationship between the activities. However, CPA is the most widely used project management tool that uses the network analysis to help the project managers. Thus, critical path is said to be the longest sequence of activities in a project plan that must be completed on time for the project to get completed on the given deadline. Therefore, critical path is the path that takes the maximum time in a project.…show more content…
Winggz. Therefore, the operations related to the renovation process of the restaurant are shown below with the help of critical path analysis diagram and the table. Though, the critical path on the diagram is shown using the two small lines on each activity. Quality can be defined as the term which is free of the defects and any kinds of errors. However, quality in terms of business and service provision can be stated as the performance to standards so to find out about how well the characteristics of products or services meet the needs and wants of customers. Whereas, quality management system is used by the companies in order to communicate with the employees to know what is required to produce the high quality products or services and meet the desired standards of quality and motivate the employees for completion of tasks according to the quality

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