Sweet Sorghum Case Study

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4.1 Sweet sorghum varieties In the present study, juice extraction, juice efficiency, and potential ethanol yield significantly differed between sweet sorghum varieties. KFS3 had higher juice with better efficiency and potential ethanol yield than KFS2. Variety differences seem related to their production potential, adaptation to agro-ecological regions and response to fertility levels (Lakkana et al., 2009; Miri and Rana, 2012). In both varieties, the main sugar component was sucrose, followed by glucose and fructose. The same trend in sugar contents has reported widely (Zhao et al., 2009; Guigou et al., 2011; Fernandes et al., 2014). Between two varieties, higher sucrose and glucose content obtained from KFS2 and KFS3, respectively. Lingle et al. (2012) described that sweet sorghum varieties with higher sucrose could use as a table sugar, in contrast, more glucose content desirable for syrup production. The High content of sucrose may cause crystallization if the juice, evaporated before fermentation. For inhibition of this problem during of table syrup processing, some producers leave harvested stalks in the field for several days to increase inversion and decrease sucrose crystallization (Smith, 1982). Total sugar content between two varieties ranged from 117.28 to 123.15 mg ml-1. Fernandes et al.…show more content…
The effect of magnesium spraying on top removing sweet sorghum plants expected to be complex given of a large number of Mg-interfering enzymes and change in the source to sink rates. Gerendas and Fuhrs (2012) reviewed the impact of Mg nutrition on quality parameters of sugar beet and shown positive effects of Mg fertilization on sugar concentration and technological parameters of sugar beet, but, they found other investigators reporting no significant improvement of beet by Mg

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