Team Dynamics Case Study

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Introduction Team dynamics and groups are utilized by multinational to owned locally companies and environment of Multinational Corporation as part of project to create, develop, or research a new product, processes, or solution. Regardless of the environment, team dynamics is a growing trend (Lisa DiTullio, 2010). Understanding that outcomes from a successful learning team as a whole outweigh any possible results from the team’s individual members by themselves, and it would only increase the value of the concept of team dynamics. A successful team dynamics completion can only be accomplished by the supervision of an excellent team leader. Orchestrating a successful team through its life cycle if difficult and takes a special person to lead…show more content…
Internal dynamics are concerned with internal relationships and interactions of team members while external dynamics focus on performance objective (Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Bernd Scholz-Reiter and Klaus-Dieter Thoben,…show more content…
But many of the problems which can hamper team performance come as much from the relations between the project team and the project partner organizations as from within the team itself. Projects and project teams often start in a flurry of activity. However, as daily operational problems occupy people’s attention, it becomes increasingly difficult for the team to get access to the required skills or resources (Julie Carpenter, 2011). For example, key people are busy and managers have other things on their mind and so on. One way of trying to avoid these situations in a project is to begin with a ‘goal redefinition’ exercise to clarify what is expected of the project and the project team and the implications for each partner organization. This could be done through the project manager undertaking one-to-one interviews with senior managers who are not involved directly in the project in each partner organization, but who are nonetheless ‘key influencers’, finding out their expectations and what would and would not be acceptable. These interviews should include questions such

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