Career Dynamics In The 21st Century

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The Impact of Career Dynamics in the 21st Century As envisaged right from the beginning, Career Dynamics in the 21st Century was meant to help readers to either avoid scarcity mentality or embrace the desirable abundance mentality. Once a critical mass of individuals is driven by the latter, it is possible to synergize and create great teams, great organizations, a great country and eventually great rewards for all. Accordingly, is Career Dynamics in the 21st Century performing as desired? Actually, there are enormous indicators to the effect that matters have taken the desired direction. The book is now approved for readership in the entire school system, by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development. It is not only circulating in secondary…show more content…
This disempowerment and disillusionment are the basis of the core activities of the church, besides nurturing the spiritual life of the members. Particularly, when more than 50% of our graduates are unemployable, they fall back to their various churches for help. Similarly, close to 80 % of those employed are church members, who are in the wrong careers, at times unknowingly. Such people are unhappy in their jobs and have limited opportunities of unleashing their full performance potential. That obviously affects the employing organizations and the national economy…show more content…
The nature of his job involved endless routines every day, week, month, year and lasted more than 10 years. Over time, Robert lost passion in the job completely and thought of undertaking something different. This time, he pursued a diploma in theology and upon completion, gained courage, eventually abandoning the banking career. Soon, Robert secured a full time job as a church minister, in one of the mainstream churches. He passionately pursued this new love, until he felt the need for continued growth in the new career. The now ordained Reverend Robert enrolled for a degree in Theology and embarked on it with vigour and enthusiasm. But, two semesters into theology Rev. Robert realized that he was not on course. Luckily, Robert acquired new realizations, upon reading Career Dynamics in the 21st Century. He revisited his continued studies afresh. As at the time of writing this edition, Rev. Robert was pursuing a degree in Counseling Psychology, which seamlessly compliments his role as a church minister. Case 8: Perpetual Reviews Her Business

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