Enslavement In The Colonies

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Although enslaving one particular race, the blacks, was not the white man’s intention at first, the events that took place as people settled in different colonies led to a whole new type of enslavement. More importantly, as the numbers in the colonies increased tremendously, slavery was to evolve into its worst form as compared to the preceding times. It had become clear that enslavement targeted only one race, the Africans. However, slavery in the United States was not a resultant of a single driving force, in fact, from the events that began in Jamestown, the events that slowly progressed to other colonies eventually led to the institutionalization of enslavement of the black community. Initially, the first Africans to land into the colony…show more content…
In 1662, a year later, the law also included children born into slavery as slaves for life too. While slavery targeted specifically one race, the Africans, race was not initially the sole driving force behind the institutionalization of the same. In 1667, laws would be passed to prohibit any African citizen from owning land and Christian baptism would no longer be allowed to free any individual from slavery. More importantly, the colonists were tightening their grip on this institution, Africans would no longer be allowed to own any firearms and would thereafter require their masters pass to leave his property. Public gatherings of both the slaves and free Africans were thereafter prohibited. The strategic placement of these laws were ensuring that no African, either free or a slave, would then be truly free. More importantly, by the time of the revolution in 1765, each colony had strategically put in place laws governing the “Negroes” a term used to refer to the…show more content…
In fact, from the recounts of Henry Brown, it was clear that the white slave owners did not care much for the families of the Africans. Brown was forced to mail himself in 1849 to escape from slavery and rejoin his family in a box from Virginia to Philadelphia. While Brown might have been lucky to escape unnoticed, not many slaves, many of them died while working at the estates and others suffered under the harshness of their masters. If they were not killed by the extreme harsh working conditions, the slaves would die from illnesses, in fact, most of them barely made it past 7 years. The white settlers treated the slaves as their commodities in some instances auctioned them in an open market, for instance, in 1859 a massive slave auction took place in Georgia attracting potential white buyers from across different colonies such as Virginia, Alabama, Louisiana, and Georgia itself. The poor working conditions, the brutal force, and lack of respect would thus lead to slave revolts across different regions. While more than 200 hundred revolts can be recounted in America during the slavery era, the most widespread was organized by Nat Turner in Virginia in 1831 which resulted to deaths both for the White settlers and the African slaves. While the revolts occurred occasionally, the laws on slavery were well orchestrated and thus they did not bore any

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