Sociological Theory Of Suicide

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“Suicide is the act of taking one's own life on purpose. Suicidal behaviour is any action that could cause a person to die, such as taking a drug overdose or crashing a car on purpose” Although though a personal act, suicide is largely influenced and determined by the social facts surrounding an individual. (Anthony Giddens, Sociology, 16-17). Suicide, a ground breaking book published in 1897 is written by French sociologist Emile Durkheim. Emile Durkheim classified suicide into four kinds; first, Altruistic suicide, this is committed when there is too much integration in the society that is when a group or society has very individual power over the individuals, for example, suicide bombers. Second, Egoistic suicide, this is the opposite…show more content…
In this case we see how outside forces were influencing his behaviour against his own wishes. The combination of anomic and egoistic suicide seems to take place not only due to the lack of regulation but also due to the lack of integration in society. There is another primary concept that can be deciphered from this case, Alienation, a concept coined by Karl Marx. He uses alienation as a consequence of working in a factory system but over the years the theory has been situated with many work place environments such as high stress jobs. This concept is seen in the Telegraph article provided to us. Sarvshreshth Gupta committed suicide due to his inability to cope up with the high stress of his job. He had told his father that there was no time and his social interaction was null due to his 100 hour workweeks. In this case we see how even after becoming an independent earning adult Sarvashresth Gupta still is oppressed by his father when he refuses to let Sarvashresth quit his stressful job. As the article states, Wall Street jobs are popularly known as ‘eat or be eaten’. Their exceptionally competitive nature and long working hours lead the employees to be very stressed which in turn destroys their social life and gives them a feeling of isolation. Due to this a lot of employees…show more content…
The first case study, talks about suicide which is caused due to too much stress and also the feeling of isolation. It is committed due to the lack of involvement of the person in society whereas the second case study talks about how the society is too integrated in a perons life in the community. If we see both the cases we see that they are opposing eachother, one speaks about a kind of suicide which takes place when a person gets detached from society which in this case was due to the long and stressful working hours of Goldman Sachs while in the second case they talk about a practice followed by the Jain community which is still practiced due to the high integration in the community. the cases are conflicted between modernity and traditionalism where the first case shows us how money, status and a job have more importance now than a need which was previously said to be a basic need as stated by Aristotle in his line “Man is by nature a social animal” (Quotes by Aristotle, last visited October 16, 2015) although the second case talks about old traditions which still exist in this perceived modern society. A society where people still get their children married off at the age of twelve or do not educate their girl child because they still believe that her only aim in life is to become a
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