Virtual Team Case Study

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Introduction: (Introductory Topics): Key areas in Virtual teams: 1. Convergence Vs Divergence Vs Cross-convergence 2. Leadership roles (developing trust) 3. Management in relation to evaluation and motivation 4. Technological platform Globalization has changed the economic structure of impoverished countries, allowing for their markets to surface in a global spectrum; however this argument goes beyond the interconnectivity of global market and economic thrust; the globalization argument, also touches on cultural dynamics. The question is how far globalization is impacting national cultures? Is it that culture is converging; pushing a homogeneous global culture or is it the opposite, where we are safeguarding our (cultural) ‘borders’? In other…show more content…
‘Glocalization’ – Crossvergence “Driving forces that precipitate the development of new and unique value systems...” (Ralston, 2008). Virtual team leaders, to succeed, are required to implement a cross-section of perspectives to fuse management practices appropriate for virtual environment. 3. Cultural Sensitivity Cultural sensitivity becomes the ‘glue’ among the virtual team (between and among its members and leader). This is the awareness and consciousness that cultural differences and similarities exist within the team; and the relevance of (such) cultural context when implementing management strategies in an effort to “… reconciled [cultural context and management strategy] to achieve adequate integration within the company” (Child, 2005 pp 258). Case Studies Virtual Environment Benefits: based on Dell Case study A case study of Dell Computer Corporation referred by Child (2005) illustrates how the company was able to be competitive advantage through its coordinated supply chain in virtual set up, which eliminated cost and pertained speedily delivery of its product. Additionally, the case study emphasized the benefits gained in flexibility and simplified value chain management (Child, 2005 pp…show more content…
Hence, the first task would be to equip the team with proper team members capacitated to accomplish the designated goals. Child, 2005 outlines five main areas of management within the virtual teams; people management, relationship management, work management, knowledge management and technology management (Child, 2005 pp 208-211). Additionally, (Ardichvili et al. 2006) virtual team leader is responsible for promoting communication as a means of information sharing amongst the team members across various

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