Disadvantages Of E-Assessment

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E – Assessment in health schools E-assessment starts to be used from the late 1990s. The Definition of e-assessment is including all uses of electronic technologies for the improvement, operation, information delivery and assessment. E – Assessment in health school based on learners work on assignments as regular, but their files are accessed via computer or technology instead of printed papers that assess by an assessor or teacher. The using of technology by teachers to introduce the information to students and access and manage their assignments and examinations is become part of the medical education. The advantages of e-assessment method: E - Assessment method provides much usefulness to administrators, teachers and learners. Advantage…show more content…
Materials and resources of e-assessment may be used to develop assessment planning through: • Illustrating efficiency demands using online interaction by blogs, forums, email and voice. • Promoting discussion between candidates about the qualities of efficiency and performance, and using image sharing and video, video streaming and digital stories with examples of work that clarify competent performance. Evidence of quality Materials and resources of e-assessment are used by candidates and assessors working either individually or collaboratively to gather evidence of performance quality. Materials and resources of e-assessment may be used to gather different types of evidence: • Questioning – online exams that created to test knowledge of candidate. • Technologies like: education point, image sharing and video, video streaming and digital stories may be used to gather direct evidence of candidate performance on real work tasks in real…show more content…
The increasing use of this method of assessment has been driven by wider changes in the health and higher education environment such as reduced resources, the growing numbers of students and the increased availability of computer networks. MCQs are seen as a way of promoting opportunities for speedy feedback to students as well as a way of saving assessor time in marking. Framework and Principles: Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick were able to identify seven principles of good feedback practice that, if implemented, would support the development of learner self-regulation. Application of seven principles of good feedback practice in relation to MCQs: 1. Clarifying what good performance (goals, standards and criteria 2. Self- assessment and reflection. MCQs might be administered in an open-book examination. This allows students to self-correct and self-assess during a testing period. 3. Delivers high-quality knowledge to students about their learning. 4. Encourage teacher and peer discussion around learning. 5. Encourage positive motivation and feedback. 6. Provides chances to close the gap between current and desired performance. 7. Provides information to teachers that can be used to help shape teaching. (David

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