Teaching Listening Skills

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Literature Review Effectiveness of using video in teaching listening skills Teaching English with video have advantages that other teaching methods do not have bacause videos have sound effects, vivid scenes and dialogues between character backed up by visual aids. Video can provide teachers with more choices in classroom activities and avoid the boredom and monotony of traditional English teaching materials. As a result, students will be able to improve their efficiency of language learning trmendously and teachers will also be able to achieve their goals of English teaching. To be motivated to learn, students need both ample opportunities to learn and steady encouragement and support of their learning efforts. Because such motivation is…show more content…
The video with the richness of images, motion, sound and captions is so appealing to some students that they are distracted from the listening and watch the video sequences for fun only. Such students are often the poor ones who can not tackle the tasks and are left behind the rest of the class. Secondly, when a longer video is used, students’ attention decreases, especially when a difficult script is used. As a result, some students end up feeling demotivated as they are struggling to keep up with the language. This particularly happens among lower level students. Thirdly, the mixed level of the class is also a big problem. While most of the students are at elementary level, some of them are . This contradiction results from the differences in language schedules among high schools. In some high schools especially the urban ones, English is considered one of the most important subjects. It is taught for longer time whereas in some others much less attention is paid to it or it is not taught at all. That is the reason why the teacher finds it very difficult to design suitable tasks for such a class as the challenging tasks that are suitable for better students are too complicated for the poor ones while the simple ones for the weak are too boring for the better…show more content…
In Vietnamese education system and in the thinking of most of Vietnamese people in particular and Asian people in general, mark and the accomplishment are the most importance, they pay much attention to grammar and writing, so after graduation, students cannot communicate in English. The problem here is how to motivate learning attitude of students toward listening and how video is used effectively in teaching listening skills. The uneven level posed great problems on the one hand for the teachers of English because they had to find out a suitable way to cater for the needs of the entire class and, on the other hand, for the students themselves to deal with an English listening lesson. Thus, there is a need for effective listening lessons to enhance students’ English listening level in general in order to benefit both the strong and the weak

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