Essay On Food Contamination

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Introduction The microbiological contamination of the ready to eat food is a frequent cause of the food poisoning outbreaks that can have devastating effects on the consumers as well as on the food manufacturer or distributor (Sprenger, 2001). Food poisoning can be prevented by analyzing the microbiological contamination of the foods prior to their release on the market. Based on their characteristics, the safety of the ready to eat food can be verified by determining the level of contamination with relevant microorganisms, such as coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli, coagulase-positive staphylococci, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella sp., etc. (Food Standards Australia New Zealand, 2001). The safety of the ready to eat foods can be ensured by applying the food safety principles and complying with the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) requirements (Sprenger,…show more content…
The safety of the consumers depends on the analysis method that is applied for determining the level of contamination. The methods recommended by the standards are, usually, valid and provide the required results to ensure the safety of the analyzed food. Sometimes, new analysis methods, which are more sensitive or rapid than the standard method or ensure a cost reduction, can be used, however, it is very important to compare the results with those obtained by the standard method in order to ensure that the new method does not fail to detect contamination problems. The purpose of the present paper is to analyze the microbiological contamination of ready to eat sushi for comparing the results obtained by applying the methods recommended by the Australian standards with the results obtained by using alternative methods. Materials and Methods The sushi samples were used for preparing serial dilutions, from 10-1 to

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