Consumer Involvement In Fashion

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FASHION CLOTHING INVOLVEMENT: Rothschild defines. involvement as: “A condition of. enthusiasm, pleasure or. interest,evoked by a. particular motivation. or situation, displaying drive. properties”. Houston and Rothschild in their .research paper. have analyzed. the different types. of consumer involvement, which were .‘constant’, ‘conditional’ and ‘response-based’ by identifying the. sources for involvement. Cohen developed. the concept further. by defining the. ‘histories’ from ‘secondary outcomes’ from ‘involvement’, which was viewed. as an internal. state of behavior. Consumers involvement .with a product. relates to their. identification with the. product and the. personality of an. individual determines. his/her involvement with.…show more content…
Consumers have various ways of information search,Forcase,They may look at product characteristics including design,color and price or they may have an interaction with sales staff at a retail store.They may go to a number of brand websites that offer similar product options to compare product features and price.They may read fan group sites for a fashion brand on facebook to gather opinions of brand experiences.They may subscribe to magazines talking about fashion or regularly check out fashion blogs to collect information.In the information search process,consumers will become more familiar with the brand.It is expected that information search may be directly linked to brand…show more content…
Ultimately, the logic for studying differences in materialism is that the resulting knowledge and measurement may be useful for examining the human and social impact of this much neglected aspect of consumer behavior. One of the foremost issues involving materialism that needs to be addressed is whether materialism is a positive or a negative trait.Verbal fight demands that it is a negative trait that have been advanced most frequently,but Csikszentmihalyi & Rochberg-Halton (1978,1981) hypothesize that materialism is not necessarily either good or bad. The present research chosee to use three materialism scales developed by Belk (1984),to measure possessiveness,non-generosity and envy.However,unlike Belk (1984),the present research also examines the overall materialism scale that results when items from the three subscales are combined because the items were developed to measure three constructs that probably do not tire the area of materialistic traits.Possessiveness has been defined as “The inclination and tendency to retain control or ownership of one’s possessions” (Belk, 1983).Belk’s 1982 concept of possessiveness distinguished between acquisitiveness and possessiveness by determining whether an individual’s relationship with object is pre or post-acquisition.Nevertheless,during scale development Belk (1984) was unable to support the pre/post-acquisition distinction, and factor structures

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