Subjective Happiness

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Self-actualization, Mindfulness and spirituality as a predictor of Subjective Happiness *Tripathi S.R. ,*Sharma S. ,*** Vashisth S., ****SharmaK. Abstract: Happiness is a positive construct which deals with the interplay of emotions, meaningful life and well-being of an individual. Review of literature emphasis that Need/goal satisfaction, process/activity, and Genetic/personality pre-disposition are the factors influencing Happiness. In general terms we can summarize that happiness of an individual is influenced either by the satisfaction of need and attainment of goals or by indulging oneself in some activities or it is a personality pre-disposition or by genetic factors. But the natural state of every experience is causeless joy. Subjective…show more content…
*Sujit Ram Tripathi: Associate Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, Sri Aurobindo College(Eve.), University of Delhi. **Sanya Sharma- Student of B.A.(Hons.) Psychology, Sri Aurobindo College(Eve.), University of Delhi. E-mail: *** Shubham vashisth - Student of B.A.(Hons.) Psychology, Sri Aurobindo College(Eve.), University of Delhi. ****Kanika Sharma- Student of M.A. Psychology, DAV College, Sector-10, Chandigarh.…show more content…
We as an individual believe that if we could get certain things or opportunities, or if we indulge ourselves in certain activities it would make us happy.. Is it so? Is our happiness really influenced by the external things or is it attached to some “if-then condition”. A layman conceptualize happiness as external thing or emotion that he/she may gain from outside as a reward of doing some activity or attaining some kind of a goal. Majorly, Happiness in these terms is subjective in nature i.e., each individual’s happiness is influenced by different things; And same thing might influence individual differently. We can conclude that happiness is rather one’s own inner potential or power which lies within oneself, it nothing which is gained from outside. It is our own state which should be consistent irrespective of acquisition or non-acquisition of things or a reward. And , here comes the component of being mindful. In the moment of mindfulness, some “mindfulness qualities” come into consciousness: non-judging, non-striving, acceptance, patience, trust , openness , letting go , gentleness , generosity , empathy, gratitude and loving kindness( Shapiro et. al,

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