Communicative Language Teaching Case Study

1943 Words8 Pages
The title of the research study is Student’s Understanding and Practices Regarding Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Malaysian Secondary schools. This research study was conducted to interrogate about communicative language teaching in Malaysian secondary schools. The main purpose of this research study was to know how far the communicative language teaching was understood and how does it implemented in Malaysian secondary school. These elements was identified based on the student’s point of view. This research study shows that the communicative language teaching approach in not only in cooperate in Malaysian Secondary Schools. The communicative language teaching is one of the well know or recommended approach from worldwide curriculum…show more content…
The questions that the researchers address was divided into three phases of interview. In the first phase of interviews the students were asked about favourable or unfavourable attitudes regarding the nature of communicative language teaching in Malaysian secondary schools. In the second phase of interviews the students were asked about another principal of communicative language teaching namely creating authentic real life situation for the learners by the teachers. Lastly, in the third phase of interviews the students were asked about the process of learning different skills in the Malaysian secondary schools and the student’s point of view about their improvement in different skills through communicative language teaching. Apart from that the students were asked to suggest their ideas about the error correction in communicative language teaching method. This research study were showed results in their interview…show more content…
Moreover Xia (2006) proposed that communicative language teaching is an excellent methodology or approach in teaching and learning second or the foreign language. Besides that, there were plenty of new textbooks were published basic on the communicative language teaching approaches. Paraiba (1990) mentioned a statement that a solid theory or approach like communicative language teaching is not always suitable in many special context. The statement were stated based on several reasons such like the variation in social situations, different organizations and some other reasonable reasons. Functional-notional approach was the earlier version of communicative language teaching. In this approach the designers had the full authority to in cooperate the main goals and create the effective environment for the learners to learn the language through communications. In communicative language teaching approach the teacher always lead the role as a facilitator or coach and push the students to communicate in English to improve their language through communication or interaction. The curriculum of the government secondary schools in Malaysia should use communication language teaching in the secondary schools for several important

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