Swot Analysis Of Apple

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Strength Strength of the brand, market share and strong financial performance Apple Inc. has a reputation for being a highly-innovative, well-functioning and well-designed product with a track record of sound business performance. It is estimated that Apple’s brand is valued at $ 76.5 billion and in 2012; the brand was voted the second most valuable brand in the world (Jurevicius, 2013). The brand reputation has one of the best strong financial performance among many companies (Jurevicius, 2013). Apparently, towards the end of 2012, the firm holds an approximated $ 10 billion in cash, which proves the company is cash sufficient company. Apple’s strong financial performance is a strength which can enable the company in making strategic choices…show more content…
In 2009, Apple was used by Nokia, the world’s biggest mobile phone maker over infringing on their patents on mobile technology for Apple’s iPhone. In 2009, Nokia had entered into agreements with 40 firms which also included mobile phone handset makers. The agreement allowed these 40 firms to use Nokia’s technology but Apple did not sign the agreement thus infringing on the Nokia’s patents. In the Nokia suit against Apple, Nokia claimed that the Apple 10 patent infringements involved security and encryption, coding, wireless data and speech coding. Such patent infringements contribute in damaging Apple brand as well as its financial…show more content…
Both John Browett and Scott Forstall were chief of retail. For instance in 2012, the news of the firing of Scott Forstall and John Browett led to Apple stock prices dropping by 2.4 percent in reaction to the changes in the management. The shakeup in the management had affected investors’ confidence thus explains the drop in the stock prices. This kind of shakeup in the company’s management may be seen as negative and significantly affect the brands image or reputation. The clash in management styles of Steve Jobs and John Sculley was another aspect of management debacles which in some extent affected the Apple’s image. The two differed in the sense that Steve jobs had vision for the making Apple an innovative company with streams of new products whereas John sculley had his focus on the product lines and ways on how to compete against IBM PC in the selling of

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