Summary Of Prison Gangs

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This book challenges the belief that most of the prisoners are the most important reasons for the existence of gangs to promote racism, violence and crime. When people think of prison gangs, they think of disordered bands of violent, racist thugs. Only a few people think that these gangs are organized and sophisticated by some people, that regulate the prison black market, chapter in the conflict, and achieving a balance between the competing demands strategic prisoners, gang members, and prison officers. But, says David Skarbek and gangs form to create order among the outlaws, and the production of alternative institutions of governance to facilitate illegal activity. He uses economics to explore the secret world of the culture of the convict,…show more content…
The case is patiently, poignantly and persuasively made that the reverse is more the case - gangs alleviate more crime and insecurity for prisoners than they cause. Facts, both anecdotal and as systematic as the data available allows are analyzed from a fresh economic perspective, as free of stifling jargon as possible and made crystal clear in its implications. A theory of governance is used that acts like a clarifying lens to make comprehensible what is really going on in the prisons, street gangs and political system. After several iterations of the author's use of the theory to explain how prison gangs came to be, how they operate, what their upsides and downsides are, I believe any reasonable reader will agree that the author has not only made his case, but will think something like "Oh, geez, why did we not think of that…show more content…
The killing was not a random act of violence. Nor was an example of a random terrors of prison life. Mr. Souza was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood, a gang prison. When asked why he did it, he replied Mr. Souza: "All I got to say, the old girl nine years. Gangs were not even exist in the 1950s. The subject of prisons and according to the "law of the convict," followed by the unwritten rules by everyone. In the simplest, code decreed that prisoners should not help officials in matters of discipline, and should not ever give them any kind of information. With a population of a small prison, this work. A fearsome reputation and the fear of gossip, ostracism and abuse tied a lot of disruptive behavior. There is no need for organized groups. But as the prison population exploded, he began a symbol of failure. It was no longer possible to maintain the reputation of the center of this huge numbers. Violators for the first time, unaware of the code and his regime, is becoming more common. Made a violent prison inmates more dangerous. Could not be relied on those responsible for the protection of prisoners: "Most of us have wives and children or grandchildren," exclaims one. "Are you going to risk your life by stepping in front of a knife when you have one lousy piece of shit

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