The Insane Behavior Depicted In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Hamlet’s behavior throughout the play is extremely puzzling and many may wonder if his strange antics are genuine or fabricated. In several ways Hamlet’s insane behavior is fabricated, as he is overly analytical about the death of his father at the hands of his treacherous uncle, King Claudius. Hamlet often fears the consequences of taking responsibility for killing his uncle, which define a profound sense of morbidity and procrastination. These factors define the overtly philosophical mindset of Hamlet’s character that dictate a lack of real time action in his overtly gloomy analysis of Claudius and his misinformed attempts to kill his enemy. In essence, Hamlet’s philosophical and religious behavioral cause him to act decisively against Claudius, which, in turn,…show more content…
While Hamlet is acting indecisively due to the possibility of Claudius going to heaven after his murder, it is inevitably a part of his inability to set aside philosophical digressions from his quest for revenge. More so, Hamlet only utilizes the Christian faith as a means to find strength to kill Claudius, which makes his perceived level of insanity even more fabricated in the opportunity to kill during a time of prayer (Barrack para.9). This aspect of Hamlet’s mindset makes a direct correlation between a physical opportunity to kill Claudius and his inability “to rationalize the act through religious discourse” (Newell 38). This is crucial part of Hamlet’s behavior that defines effects of this form of fabrication, which leads to ideological paranoia in the deaths of everyone, including Ophelia that he suspects to be in league with Claudius. Certainly, Hamlet finds a more profound excuse to kill Claudius when he drunk versus that of allowing his soul to go to heaven, but this was certainly a good opportunity to rid Claudius of his physical presence in the royal

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