The Bus A Modern Panacea Summary

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In the article " The bus, a Modern Panacea," the author claims that taking public transportation can help save students money and solve environment problem such as, produce less pollution and traffic congestion and less energy. He states that students do not have to deal with the traffic and parking difficulties. He also points out that the vey best part about taking public transportation is that students can get to read the book and doing homework, they also can enjoy the view on the bus. He suggests that students should give up on their and start riding the bus. I disagree with the author that public transportation can solve the global transportation problems because the bus systems is not always working as we expected. Therefore, we…show more content…
Mostly you have to wait long for the bus coming. Moreover, when you are on the bus, you always see some kids listen to music so loud that you can even heard every word of the song they are listening to through their earphones. You might also seen that people who push everyone out of the way so that they can be the first get on the bus, so that they can take up more than one seat with all of their stuff.They do not even cared about giving up one's seat to elderly. I bet you would see that some people who treat the bus like it is their own personal bed. They could sleep even snore on the bus. It seems like riding the bus is really a prefect way to save money and benefit environment but it is not convenient when you are in rush time. Nowadays, having a car is important in live. It's symbols as American freedom. Personally, I think driving a car is better than riding the bus, because I can manage my own time and get to anywhere I want to. Moreover, I can do a lot of thing with my car such as go crabbing on the weekend, go camping and fishing with friends. According to Zane that car is a part of American life because they can go to anywhere in this beautiful country with their own car. In addiction, driving a car means you do not need to rely on Goverment to run the bus. So grab a key and get to anywhere you would like

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