John Locke's Declaration Of Independence

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1) What does Locke mean by that each person in nature is independent? Describe and explain to give a sense of it, as if to someone who has never read Locke. (Make sure that you address in your answer how independence is different from license.) -When Locke says that each person is independent in nature he is saying is that every human being has their own right to do as they choose because we are all, by birth, independent. He says that all men are equal under the law. This means that we all have a right to self-independence, and to do with our lives as we choose. This is however different then giving people a license to do whatever they feel like doing. The right to self-independence is different because with it we are free do with ourselves…show more content…
This occurs when the people agree to get together, discuss, and adjust the institutional arrangements that are there in order to make the society fairer for all. This happens because as Rawls sees it, society serves two functions. These include preserving Lockean independence, and bringing about fairness economically and socially. This is done through what Rawls calls the division of labor. In this the advantaged by birth benefit from their advantage and agree to help the disadvantaged by birth because they know that their advantages are unfair-arbitrarily and…show more content…
Locke’s theory on independence, the loss of it, and how it is rectified by a society make the most sense to me for many reasons, but mainly because I like his theory of independence, and how with this all men are equal. I like that his focus is not on how many people have advantages from birth, and that you do not really have the choice in where you will fit in. In this theory right from the beginning you have the right to choose how you want to live your life, what you want to do, as well as what you don’t. I think this way is a good way to look at things because as long as you are living your life the way you want and are not intruding upon the lives of others then I think there is nothing wrong with that. When Locke discusses the “Right to self-preservation” I believe that this is the way it should be. If someone does something that intrudes upon their rights and freedoms then I believe it is the right and duty of that person and the community to punish the offender ensuring the safety for all. I also think that the way he views this in a way that since you have a choice on how to live your life you are not required to make sure everything is fair and equal for all. I think that it should be in a way in which you will have to work for where you want to get and it should not just be handed to you, in order to make things more
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