Response To The Grapes Of Wrath

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Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: The Viking Press, 1939. Print. The Grapes of Wrath is an extraordinary tale of a family’s internal and external struggles in the late 1930s during the Dust Bowl. When speaking about the novel, people often refer to it as “a classic” and “one of the greatest works to ever be published”. Upon thinking about which books to chose from, the Great Depression seemed like a great topic to learn more about. It was some of the country’s worst years and was rich with history. There was much more to learn about this topic than most of the alternatives. After some research was conducted of some books that could be chosen from, the list had been narrowed down. Of the few works remaining, John Steinbeck seemed to be the best author…show more content…
It is also not a mystery why tens of thousands of people have said that The Grapes of Wrath is a literary masterpiece. It is a story that manages to keep the reader glued to the page and interested in a time period that is often described as gloomy and boring. He focuses on parts of life that wouldn’t typically be focused on, which is a family and their struggles as search for jobs in California. There are few books that are actually considered phenomenal and fun to read. The book tells a story that has been heard one thousand times before, but it’s different. It speaks of people who leave their past lives to go to a new one. There are thoasands of books in this world that have this same idea, but those are more about leaving the past and going towards the future. This book may have plenty of reflection of Tom’s time in prison and _____ (California stuff. Looking to future), but it is more about the journey and what they must endure in order to get to the golden state. The book follows The Joad family from being evicted, to Author’s

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