Steamboy Scene Analysis Essay

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The clip has been chosen for visual and media analysis is from the movie Steamboy. This film directed by Katsuhiro Otomo. The film is about the heroical main character in the movie Ray, who is the son of an inventor, saving an heiress Scarlett when the steam tower malfunctions and explodes causing severe damage to the city of London. The visuals employed by the artists in designing the animation suits well with the theme of the scene. According to McCloud (4), the words and pictures chosen for a comic ought to convey the essence of the message that an artist aims at putting forward for the audience. The most important element is to nail the body language of the comic characters and make them as expressible as possible. In the clip from Steamboy, the scene starts with both the characters witnessing the initiation of an explosion and subsequently making their escape. The panel sequence used in the scene consists of dark tones in the background which indicates that time is that of night. The dark setting gives an intense and gloomy effects to the foreground where the characters are seen making a desperate attempt at avoiding the explosion. The steam tower is scotched to near perfection with…show more content…
In Steamboy, this art has been used to capture the minute details of the characters and their surroundings down to the finest details. The color scheme for the costumes and the facial features of the characters have been crafted very well and their clothes are lighter in color as compared to the dark background, which makes them prominent in the entire setting. According to McCloud (5), the best possible techniques for making a comic life like is to create a world that is believable and authentic, to which the viewers could easily relate to. In order to make this possible, the tools used for sketching the scene and characters and later, converting them into animation ought to be best suited to the theme of the

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