Facebook Study Habits

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The Excessive Use of Facebook and its Effects to The Study Habits of the Selected 2nd year students of the College of Computer Studies in Silliman University Ryan Jefferson Marinay BSIT – II John Paul Belciῇa BSIT – II Anthony Dominic Flores BSIT – II Prof. Joan Generoso BC 25 – E September 2014 Topic Outline The Excessive Use of Facebook and Its Effects to The Study Habits of the Selected 2nd year Students of the College of Computer Studies in Silliman University Thesis: Although social media is useful to most students, especially facebook, the researchers believe that it affects the study habits of a student. Introduction I. Facebook A. Definition B. Brief History II. Advantages/Disadvantages of facebook A. Communication B. Addiction…show more content…
The researchers believe that the students take their extra time on social media, because of this; they are drastically lessening their precious time. Social media is the future of communication, a countless array of internet based tools and platforms that increase and enhance the sharing of information. One of the most popular social networking sites is facebook. Nowadays Facebook has become very important part of our life. It can help us in many ways and can also harm us in some other ways. Facebook could be very useful if any kind of addiction is avoided. The researchers have done enough research to prove that although social media is useful to some students, especially facebook, the researchers believe that it affects the study habits of a…show more content…
Most of facebook users today, when bored, usually access their facebook accounts. This actually extends the amount of time it takes to study. Instead of taking the extra time for studying or doing research, they take their extra time on surfing facebook. Hamik (2011) mentioned that facebook has become the biggest distraction [Underscoring Added] for students when trying to get homework done. It has become more distracting then TV or video games. Another effect on facebook to the study habits of the facebook users is when taking note in class, students get distracted to Facebook and it could affect their grades. This is one of the major effects of students getting poor performance in their studies (Clark 2009). Due to the increasing amount of smartphones, tablets, iPads etc. most facebook users can easily access their accounts anytime and anywhere, this is also the reason why many facebook users cannot resist surfing to facebook. Megan (2011) said that students spend between 6 to 10 hours of surfing online. This was proved by a UPC survey last year. Furthermore, According to Clark (2009) About 65% of 219 undergraduates and postgraduates access their account daily, just to see if there are new
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