Student Absenteeism In School

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The issue of student absenteeism is currently the focus of intense activity in schools. It is also a high priority policy concern (DfES,1999; DfES, 2002, as cited in Malcolm, Wilson, Davidson, & Kirk, 2003) for the Ministry of Education (MoE) has set a target for every students to have attendance not less than 95 per cent throughout the school year. This issue also becoming a big topic in local newspapers a number of times in the early year. According to Acting Director-General of Education, Hj Abdul Rahim Derus, a total of 8,970 students were chronically absent during the first school term (Piri, 2015). This trends seen to be worst as most of the absenteeism is comes from primary schools. The absenteeism places students at risk with the result…show more content…
Some of the student perceptions are school phobia, boredom in class and lagging of school work (John W. Gardner Center, 2012). Less frequently mentioned were students’ did not have positive relationships with teachers and other students (Jennifer, 2004), which make difficult for them to interacts with a good manner. Pending of schoolwork and assignment become a fear for them to not to be attendant school as the students will be punished by the teacher. All of this perceptions are linked to student behaviors. The students need to change their behavior and mind set to take the facts that they have to be present to receive a full education programme. However, repetitions of absent from school, the student will miss out on learning skills necessary for better achievements in the later years of school (St. Andrews School, 2015). This effect to their examination, as those who failed to have 85% of attendances are bar to any examinations including public assessment and class promotions. The Acting Directors of Schools, Cikgu Zaman bin Haji Gapar, pointed out that student absenteeism linked to exam results (Koo, 2015). A study shows that there is a relationship between attendance and achievement, Rothman (2001) stated that a student with very poor attenders will have a low achievement in their studies This study shows that the student with an excellent attendance records a high in school…show more content…
First, this believed that parents frequently putting a low value on their children’ education. This attitude led to a liberal interpretation of weekends or a sandwich holiday, which parents could take Saturday in lieu to two public holidays; Friday and Sunday. Second, arguably more seriously, an early school holiday. Cikgu Noor, a primary school teacher in the Brunei-Muara District, shared her concerns over a few parents take the opportunities to bring their children an early holiday during school term (St. Andrews, 2015), sometimes during crucial school assessment such as monthly test, examination or even public examination. The Acting Director General of Education, Hj Abdul Rahim Hj Derus also noted that under the Compulsory Education Act, the parents or gurdian will be liable to a fine, imprisonment for a period not more that one year or both if their child is frequently absent (Thein, 2015). This will create a problem to the parents to pay the fine and cause difficulty to sent their children to school if they are prisoned. As a parents, we need to consider how much lessons can be missed during that valuable time. We must make sure that our children are not left behind to strive in their

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