Analysis Of 'The Republic Of Plato'

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Rebecca Hodge Political Philosophy Dr. Douchant 29 September 2014 Plato Exam The Republic of Plato is a series of books that are set up together describing some of the dialogues that took place between Socrates and his friends. The journey and pattern of the dialogue follows the pattern of the Socratic method. An interlocutor brings up a topic and sets a definition of the idea. Socrates asks questions, and modifies the definition. Socrates pulls apart each definition by reductio ad absurdom, reduces them to absurdity. This progression goes on for a while and ends in aporia or in uncertainty. In Book I of the dialogues, the mean aim is to understand what justice actually is in its essence and what it means to be just. The scene is set up where…show more content…
Since the definitions given so far have been inadequate, Thrasymachus basically wants to have the nonexistence of justice or moral standards. Thrasymachus jumps into the conversation heatedly and offers that his definition is better than those previously provided. He argues that justice is the advantage of the stronger. This definition is not so much a definition of justice, but rather the qualities that make justice irrelevant. The main reason he brings it up is that just behavior only works for those who are not just. Thrasymachus argues that justice is the advantage of those who are…show more content…
The people in power do things that are appealing to them personally and not necessarily in the favor of the people being ruled over. Thrasymachus compares this type of stronger person to that of the role of a shepherd. Shepherds treat their sheep well for the only reason being that they will make a profit from healthier sheep, whether from wool or otherwise. The shepherd is not treating them well for the sake of the sheep themselves. In that similar way, powerful people lead their people in ways that are advantageous to them. Raising taxes and furthering themselves is the purpose of becoming the advanced in the society. Being just, in that respect, is more advantageous to those who are strong in the society and being unjust is more profitable and helpful for the individual involved. Thrasymachus states that the life of the just man is more beneficial. Perfect injustice is more profitable than perfect justice. In terms of commercial actions, taxes, and politics, injustice is considered a virtue. Justice is not a vice but rather unsophistication manipulated by a ruler and injustice is not essentially deceitfulness but it is a type of good advice for a ruler to

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