Job-Related Stress Case Study

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INTRODUCTION ncreased complexity in organizational work environments has given rise to higher levels of job-related stress experienced by organizational members (Brockner et al., 1992; Champy, 1995). Job-related stress is de®ned as an uncomfortable and undesirable feeling experienced by an individual `who is required to deviate from normal or self-desired functioning in the work place as the result of opportunities, constraints, or demands relating to potentially important work- related outcomes' (Parker and DeCotiis, 1983, p. 165). Job-related stress has been linked to failing individu al healt h and illne ss (Kram and Hall, 1989), decreased individual performance (Jamal, 1990; Motowidlo, Packard and Manning, 1986), decreased organizational…show more content…
165). Job-related stress has been linked to failing individu al healt h and illne ss (Kram and Hall, 1989), decreased individual performance (Jamal, 1990; Motowidlo, Packard and Manning, 1986), decreased organizational eective ness (Beehr and Newman, 1978; Motowidlo et al., 1986), and increased organiz ational health care costs (Manning, Jackson and Fusilier, 1996). In fact, job-related stress has been estimated to cost corporate America $200 billion annually in absenteeism, lost productivity, accidents, an d medical Effective leadership and employee job satisfaction are considered to be the fundamental basis for organisational success. Without these two basic factors, the organization has no future. A capable leader is a one who provides direction for the organisation and lead followers towards achieving the desired common goals. In similar terms, employees with high job satisfaction are likely to exert more efforts in their assigned tasks, develops more positive attitude, turns out to be more development driven and pursue organisational…show more content…
It also focuses on self confidence, work balance and self perception. It has been used by various organizations and educational institutions for career development and imparting specific skills, abilities and knowledge for students to make them more valuable in the job market. Many business schools in India are implementing programs on formal and informal mentoring to groom the students and develop them in a more holistic manner to be able to fetch a respective and desired position in an organization. Mentoring is always long term, requires time in which both parties can learn about on another and build a climate of trust. The business world too has adopted the program in order to encourage the employees to take a more proactive part in the career planning. The program consist of orientation and integration program that helps aspirant to become accustomed to new climate or new conditions with the help of more advanced form of mentoring tools to foster new skills and career advancement ability. There are two types of

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