Stress Literature Review

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CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter will discuss the previous study conducted by researchers who explain the factors that causes stress among student University Malaysia Kelantan City Campus. This chapter includes all the literature review from various years in order to explain and prove the existing independent and dependent variable. This research was done to see the factors that cause stress among student University Malaysia Kelantan City Campus or independent variables such as financial problem, social influence, academic pressure and family stress. The following is the detail of the literature review: 1. Stress Stress has been linked to major life events, hassles of everyday life, and changes in life. The pressure created by the demands of the environment and excessive internal requiring continuous effort and adjustment. Pressure on human experience is universal, but there are also significant individual differences in how stress experienced. Stress has been known to "become fuel for the body to meet the challenges of modern life we deserve; for others, it is aversive by-product of such a life" Many undergraduate students undergo considerable stress as demand related to the change: leave home, become independent decision makers, and to compete with the new standard…show more content…
Many scholars in the field of behavioral science research has a lot of pressure and results and concluded that the topic required further attention (AGOLLA, 2009). Hancock and Zalma (2008) stated that two of the same theme of modern stress theory. First, the meaningfulness of psychology means the presence of the mechanism by which people evaluate events in terms of the richness of their meaning to the physical or mental happiness. Second, individual states regulate their internal and establish a mechanism for repayment of the perturbation persuaded by external events, including the demands of the job and

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