Resilience In Psychology

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Lerner (2006) proved throughout his first volume of the “Handbook of Child Psychology” that the study of human development has indeed come a long way. Gone are the days when psychology is the sole field of science formulating a positivist, reductionist theory to describe and explain maturation since an interdisciplinary approach to the relationship between an individual and one’s context gradually rose to the occasion. Another notable happening in support of this claim would be the paradigm shift from developmental pathology to positive youth development that has transpired in recent years as a result of yet again an interdisciplinary attempt to define the other side of the coin – that is, “how things go right” rather than the dominating…show more content…
They have been beneficial to the creation and implementation of interventions targeting these issues; however, there is now a glaring lack of literature on smaller yet significant day-to-day incidents. A notable example of this would be the fact that only a fraction within this pool of studies barely mentions a specific type thereof: academic resilience, which is best defined by Martin and March (2003) as “the ability to effectively deal with setback, stress, or pressure in the academic setting.” There is an utmost importance to investigate this construct seeing that it is one of the earliest forms of resilience exhibited by man to achieve developmental success in the given context that may encourage or deter further exhibition of it and that may even alter the very trajectory of one’s life. It is time to discuss it with other typical inquiries on academic life with the likes of the effect of family and other aspects of social life (Véronneau & Dishion, 2010) in addition to the well-being of newly migrated students (Whisler, Waldorf, Mulligan, & Plane,…show more content…
Low-Risk Romanian Adolescents.” With the goal “to identify the resilience characteristics” between the two kinds of adolescents , she gathered answers from 251 high school students aged 14 to 20 about their respective: cumulative grade point average; number of school absences; level of psychological resilience through the use of a 21-item scale created by Oshio, Nakaya, Kaneko, and Nagamine that measures novelty seeking, emotional regulation, and positive future orientation; level of academic resilience through the use of a 6-item scale generated by Martin and Marsh; and level of risk through a 30-item stress scale made by Holmes and Rahe that identifies difficulties in health, family, social life, and finance. A Mann-Whitney U test confirmed the hypothesis she stated prior to the formal start of data gathering as “there are statistically significant differences, at the .01 level of significance, between high-risk and low-risk adolescents” with the latter possessing a “higher level of Psychological resilience, Emotional regulation, Educational resilience and higher Overall average grade” as well as a “lower Number of school absences.” While this result is certainly helpful in the conceptualization of academic resilience and in the construction of programs about it (especially to the state of Romania along with its people located anywhere around the world),
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