Extreme Working Conditions

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Executive Summary Working conditions covers a broad range of topics and issues, and over the last decades their transformation have made a great impact in organization and its employees. Technological progress and globalization has led to changes of work conditions under what a company operates. The main purpose of this paper is to elaborate through analyzed verified literature in identification of extreme working conditions, what motivates employees to work under such conditions. As well as the importance of the decisions that organizations take, which lead to extreme working conditions, with a special focus on the impact of different work practicing, such as, temporary work, downsizing, outsourcing and offshoring, on working conditions.…show more content…
There are differentiation between winners and losers because of the current economic and political orders. According to many scientific literature nowadays because of organizations transformation of environment, conditions and standards, location, demographic profile etc., there is an equal positive or negative transformation in working conditions of employees, long or short hours, safe or unsafe working conditions, irregular or regular employment, mechanization of jobs, unionization, etc (VYN Reference). Changes in the working conditions have led to “Extreme jobs”, as called by Hewlett and Luce (2006), and what makes it extreme are the conditions under which people work. In most of the cases, the long hours work is one of the main characteristics of extreme working condition. Hewlett and Luce (2006) add to the long hours other characteristics as well, such as: Tight deadlines, strict rules, if requested availability in any needed hour, unpredictable work flow and a lot of traveling and direct reporting. But what makes people work under these conditions? Gascoigne (2012) argues that it’s a motivation which is a mixture of these four factors: socioeconomic, occupational, organizational, and individual. Aside from the individual reasons, may those be the intellectual challenge, power or just the high compensation, as main extreme working drivers are considered globalization and technology development…show more content…
The strategy of sourcing inputs from overseas suppliers has grown as a consequence of new technologies. Manufacturing and service companies are transferring jobs to increase their profitability and productivity (Zimmermann, 2012). According to Cardoso (2014), experts argue that outsourcing and offshoring are “drivers of increasing labor precocity in advanced economies”. But offshoring may have consequences on workers. A survey in a German company that offshored some IT services to India, they investigated corporation between organization workers. They found that Germans and Indian workers were not collaborating effectively because of different cultures, no face-to-face contact and feeling threatened by Indians, because of the fear of losing the job (Zimmermann, 2012). A survey done to workers that worked at night in a call center in India, to respond the needs of customers on Western Countries, reported that they had sleep disturbances leading to stress and different medical issues also, affecting their social life (Nadeem, 2010). Offshoring positions that have contact with customers affected them by decline of satisfaction, loyalty and perceived quality (Whitaker, et al., 2008). As stated as well on the research of Messenger and Ghosheh (2010), the negative aspects

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