Case Study: Developing Learning And Reflective Practice

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1 Developing Learning and Reflective Practice 1.1 Introduction Learning is the acquisition of experience and knowledge in general or changes in attitude, behaviors, and skills specially. It does not happen at once development and Progresses over time as a process of various things like training, Habituation, Sensitization, Complex activities or by being taught Karban, R. (2015). Educational psychology, learning theory or how understanding techniques are not to study the learner’s environment and memory they focus upon the learner who ability to learn on what he already knows, understands or his preconceptions directly observe educational neuroscience and the brain function strengths and weaknesses in learner during the learning…show more content…
Learning style Questionnaire (LSQ) models have been used within academia and industry for over 30 years. Professors like Benjamin Bloom, Robert Gagné, Phil Race, David A. Kolb, and Peter Honey developed them and Alan Mumford based upon Kolb working (Learning Cycle) (David A. Kolb, 1984). Many organizations around the world have benefited from LSQ by discovering its staff, whether they are inclined towards the styles of learning and improve less preferred styles, which lead to learning best, easiest, enjoyable and more effective. It enhances their versatility amplify reminiscent to learn a variety of different experiences; some formal, informal, planned, spontaneous and self-scrutiny their learning skills, processes and the awareness of how they learn. Expand the 'bandwidth' of experiences from which them derive benefit. Become an all-round learner. They recommend that to maximize your personal learning you ought to understand your learning style, seek out opportunities to learn using that style and develop the ability to learn in other styles…show more content…
Activists (active experimentation) are enthusiastic and not skeptical about anything new. They have open-minded, try anything, act first, then consider the consequences afterward and learn by doing. Tackle all problems with problem-solving, group discussion, puzzles, competitions, role-play and brainstorming. Theorists (abstract conceptualization) integrate observations at logically sound coherent theories, systems and perfectionists who like to understand the theory behind the actions. They analyze and synthesize rational objectivity rather than ambiguous, need models, concepts, facts and reject anything that doesn't fit with it. They feel uncomfortable with subjective judgments and anything flippant. Tackle all problems with models, Statistics, stories, quotes, background information and applying theories. Pragmatists (concrete experience) are keen on trying, practicing and experimenting with applications out theories, concepts and techniques. They like to act quickly and confidently on ideas that attract them. They are impatient with ruminating, and open-ended discussions. They respond to problems as a challenge by applying learning case studies, problem solving, and discussion. Reflectors (reflective observation) like to collect data both first hand and from others, ponder experiences and events,

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