Strategic Planning In Higher Education

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Universities have various goals and aim for examples, they may aim to raise their institutional stature and engage more with society. However, nowadays higher education institutions often face significant challenges in achieving those goals. There is wide consensus that if strategic planning is implemented properly will offer universities a solid approach to achieve their aims. Furthermore, strategic planning methods can guide and help upper level management which is the leader in the higher institutions while aligning their everyday activities in order to achieve institutional goals. Leadership plays a critical role contribute to the success of higher education institutions and is essential in improving and sustaining the quality and performance…show more content…
Furthermore, most of the higher education institutions share similar aims and goals. They compete to achieve the same objective and the most important part of strategic planning involves shaping the institution in ways that ensure their goals achievement by capturing and maintaining a market niche in the faculty and among students. Besides that, strategic plan provides useful information which link with the aims, objectives, aspirations and philosophy of the…show more content…
Stakeholders is difficult to tolerate and focus because there a lots of the diversities culture in education institution. Based on HEIs, diversity culture is a form of appreciation the differences of gender, age, sex, social status and others. Therefore, HEIs need to plan the strategy planning process carefully and make sure stakeholders can accept. Satisfaction of all stakeholder can increase the performance and be more competitiveness among others education institution. The main concern for any strategic management is to ensure organizations performance by creating and shaping effective strategy to outsmart competition (Tait & Nienaber, 2010). Every stakeholder has plays an important role to make sure strategic planning go smooth in education institution. Mission statement that had been created by Government to the HEIs is been use has a check point to make people understand what they want to achieve. All of the organization use strategy planning to maintain their internal and external environment. According to Muchiri (2010), most universities are collaborating with others institution and industries to enhance performance. With collaborate to others HEIs, they can share their experience, knowledge and skills to improve their
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