Singapore Press Holdings Case Study

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1. Introduction Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) is a publicly-owned media organisation in Singapore which prints over 18 newspapers in four different languages. The company curretnly employs about 5000 employees and earns a profit of about $480 - $500 million every year. SPH also produced more than 100 magazine titles, ranging from Men’s Health to Harper’s Bazzar. Currently, it is estimated that 3.05 million individuals (76% of the people above 15 years old in Singapore) reads one of SPH’s news publication 2. Planning Function Planning involves defining an organisation goals, establishing strategies for achieving the goals and developing plans to integrate and coordinate work activities. The different types of plans include strategic plans,…show more content…
It is conveyed through fear of losing one’s job, being demoted, receiving a poor performance review, having prime projects taken away etc. For example, coercive power is used when a VP of marketing were to threaten the sales team to boost their sales or risk getting replaced. Legitimate Power It represents the power a leader has as a result of his or her position in the organization. A manager's employees believe that the person of a higher position has the authority to direct the actions of employees of a lower position. An example of legitimate power being used is that the manager has the power to deny or accept an employee's request for a day off. Reward Power It is the power to give positive rewards. A reward can be anything that a person values such as money,favourable performance appraisals, promotions, interesting work assignments, friendly colleagues and preferred works shifts or sales territories. A reward power is being used in a way that the VP of marketing would reward a bonus to the sales team if they were able to hit their sales target. Expert Power A power that is based on expertise, special skills, or…show more content…
Referent power develops out of admiration of another and a desire to be like that person. It is also derived from personal connections that a person has with key people in the organization's hierarchy, such as the CEO. An example of the practice of referent power is when a person admires a colleague or his or her manager, their colleague or manager is able to use referent power over them as they desire to be like that person. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs This motivation theory was proposed by Abraham Maslow, a psychologist who believed that within every person is a hierarchy of 5 needs. The 5 needs were separated into different levels, whereby physiological and safety were the lower-order needs, and social, esteem, and self-actualization were the higher-order needs. Lower-order needs are satisfied externally, while higher-order needs are satisfied internally. One also has to satisfy the lower-order needs before proceeding to the higher-order needs. Physiological needs Physical needs that all people need, such as air, food, drink, rest, and shelter. SPH can provide its employees with food, drinks and rest periods to satisfy their physiological needs.

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