Stereotypes In Disney Movies

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To develop our performance i thought it would be beneficial to understand Disney and the Disney princess considering that is what we are basing our pantomime on. Disney movies are every child’s dream, for as long as many of us remember there have been Disney films in households and many revolving a Disney princess that most little girls aspire to be. The Disney princess is by far the princess of all princesses, the Disney logo itself is a castle. I am going to begin with the early day Walt princess, the times of Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella for example. These princesses always seemed to have the same stereotype, the basic fairytale where they are slim, slender waisted, beautiful, good natured young ladies and very often have…show more content…
The usual reason being retaliation to orders put in place, often by their Fathers. Again we rarely hear of a Mother figure and the father continues to be the nurturing, helpless male figure so is no match for the princess when she chooses to disobey. Many of the Team Disney princesses have already turned 16; unlike the earlier princess that have until their 16th birthday to be rescued from whatever danger it may be. They are crossing the threshold of womanhood, they seek to investigate worlds beyond a Fathers rule and are often seen venturing into forbidden places and things that always result in danger. Unlike the earlier Disney it was not always in their seek for true love that put them into these predicaments, Jasmine left the palace before she even met Aladdin in her search for…show more content…
It shows how unhappy she is and how she longs to go outside, to be independent and the dream world is then looked upon as restrictive and Aladdin’s street life as desirable. Through their their clash of hopes and dreams although the unluckiest of couples, they soon fall in love and realise they can give one another what they each want, Jasmine a chance to escape the palace and Aladdin a chance to become more than a street rat. “Through courtship they simultaneously resolve their disparities between realty and dreams”. (Rozario 2004,

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