Gender Stereotypes In Disney Princess Movies

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The Disney Princess movies, although favorites of many children and adults, reinforce strict, stereotypical gender roles, presenting women as domesticated and helpless, while men are characterized as strong, powerful and magical. Socialization enables children to learn about the world around them by observing how others interact and behave, influencing which schemas they develop and how they are interpreted. Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and Sleeping Beauty expose children to the conventional notion that females are dependent on males, which can result in children perceiving the stereotype that women are co-dependent as a gender norm. Cinderella epitomizes the female gender role stereotype, as she is depicted as domestic, vulnerable, beauty-conscious, and reliant on a man for long term happiness. Cinderella’s place in her family is as the maid, cleaning and caring for the house, while her step-mother and step-sisters belittle her. She believes that her only method to escape her toxic living environment is through marriage, contingent on Prince Eric falling in love with her with the intention of fleeing from her family to achieve a secure and favorable future. Cinderella is more attractive and musical than many of the other girls, yet she believes her ultimate value is directly proportional to her physical appearance. Consequently,…show more content…
His intention is to break Princess Aurora’s curse, enabling them to live happily ever after together. Prince Phillip not only saves Princess Aurora’s life, but also the entire kingdom. In fact, Prince Phillip is so critical that, without him, it is suggested that Princess Aurora will remain asleep forever, helpless to the

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