Disney Princess Stereotypes

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Disney movies are a large part of nearly every child’s childhood. They tend to be suitable for all ages and therefore have a large audience. Most children become exposed to Disney movies in their youth and it is nearly impossible to find a child that has not seen at least one of the movies. Unfortunately at this age we are very impressionable and learn how to act through people we spend a lot of time around and that we admire. Most of the Disney princess movies have strong gender stereotypes that are not applicable to the world we are currently living in. The princes and princesses are all drawn in a similar way, the female and male leads act in stereotypical ways and abide by archaic gender roles and the women are very dependent on the male…show more content…
Not only do princesses have a stereotypical appearance, so do the princes. In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Snow White is very slim, has big brown eyes, and beautiful hair. Similarly, Pocahontas and Ariel also have doe-like eyes, a slim waist and enviably long, thick hair. An exception to this trend is Merida from Brave, whilst she does have large green eyes and long thick hair; she has a much sturdier build than Snow White, Pocahontas and Ariel. Rather than looking petite and delicate she looks strong. Merida is the first, and really only, Disney princess to appear this way. The princes, like the princesses, also all have a similar look. Prince Ferdinand from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid are both tall, and blue eyed with dark hair, they are also muscly. Although John Smith from Pocahontas has blonde hair he does have blue eyes and is also very fit. In Brave, although there are some ‘princes’, none of them fit into Disney’s usual mold, and unlike any other Disney princess movies, Merida is not romantically interested in any of them. In The Little Mermaid, Ursula, the ‘baddie’, is portrayed as ugly. She is overweight and has a mole on her face. This can convey to children that people that are bigger or have moles are ugly or evil which is not true and a very unfortunate stereotype. All of the female Disney villains also have high, curved eyebrows, which could lead children to find women with similar eyebrows frightening or intimidating. In many children’s movies it was found that any character that appeared obese, irrespective of whether it was an animal or a human, was disliked by other characters and negatively portrayed (Herbozo, Tantleff-Dunn, Gokee-Larose, & Thompson, 2004). This can lead to children having body image issues. If the overweight character in a film is considered to be ugly then they will believe if they are,

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