Speech On Cost Of College

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The Cost of College Imagine your ticket to success is over $9,000! That’s how much just one year of college can cost! (Attention Getter 1) I have researched the cost of college because the price is very important. (Credibility Statement) You need to know about how expensive college is because you can end up in debt. (Relevance Statement) I will inform you about the problems associated with the high cost of college. (Thesis (with verb “inform”) First I will inform you about the rising cost of college. Second, I will explain why college has become so expensive, lastly I will explain the effect of college costs on individuals and their future. (Preview Pts.) Transition: The cost of college is an important part of the decision process when…show more content…
DETAILED EXPLANATION: “In the 21st century, a college education is considered by many to be a key to financial security in the new knowledge-based economy. But ever-rising tuition prices offer a financial challenge for many American families.” According to an article titled “The Real Problem of Rising College Costs” published on December 21,2006 at The Heritage Foundation. (Verbal Citation) Support: It is important to note that, “An individual who does not graduate from high school earns on average $23,452, less than the U.S. average wage of $41,444 per year.” According to a Forbes Magazine titled “College Costs Out of Control” printed on March 24, 2014. (Verbal Citation) Transition: There are several reasons why college costs are increasing. Identify the Causes of the PROBLEM: Universities have no limit on what they are able to charge individuals who attend their institutions. With the rate of inflation the increasing cost of goods consumed without an increase in wages leaves little money left to spend on higher education. Costs of maintaining universities, higher wages for faculty and staff, and rising cost of…show more content…
DETAILED EXPLANATION: In an article titled “This is why state colleges cost so much,” Tom DiChristopher who is a CMBC journalist says,”The cost of public education has now reached the point at which families must now consider whether their child’s post-graduation debt loads are sustainable,..” Support: Low funding for state colleges is driving up the cost of tuition for American families underlying problems in public university systems. Support: The growing number of students taking one or two courses at a time because of lack of funds spend extra time on studies or drop out partially as result of the high cost of college courses but also a factor of the way schools structure their programs. B. DETAILED EXPLANATION: “Dramatic reductions in state’s college funding have not only led to higher public tuition, but reductions in areas that help students succeed, said Michael Mitchell, a policy analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. (Verbal Citation) Support: Unlike private institutions public institutions rely on gifts and large endowments from local state dollars to help fund the cost of attending. Transition: hopefully now you have a better understanding of the factors contributing to the rising cost of a college
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