Causes And Disadvantages Of Boko Haram

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Boko Haram, Is It a Sin To Have a Different Religion? By Devina Aryanti Hia Boko Haram or in literally translated as “Western Education is a Sin” is a movement of genocidal criminal that violate Human Rights. This movement led by Abubakar Shekau, an Islamist extremist who vowed to wipe out every Christian school in Nigeria and to bring out terrorist attacks on Nigerian government police and government officials. It started when in 2002, Muhammed Yusuf was founded Islamic Secretariat Movement in northeastern Nigeria in order to opposed Western influence especially Western education. Since 2009, the Islamic Secretariat Movement has carried out assassinations and large-scale acts of violence in Nigeria. The very beginning of its formation, the group has the intention that aims to uproot the corruption and injustice in Nigeria where the blamed was put on Western influences and the…show more content…
Such as in 2014, over 200 girls from Christian school were kidnapped by the Boko Haram and despite the efforts of government of Nigeria, none of them have been found. In the same year, the number of people that has been killed by Boko Haram in its jihad is 2,000 people. All of it was done to expand it self-declared Islamic caliphate in are with heavy Muslims populations which is northern Nigeria. Besides that, in 20014, Boko Haram also killed 1,631 Christian in early six months of 2014 and compare with number of Christian that killed in 2013, it is increase until 91 percent. Actually the number between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria is equal, however, because the Boko Haram the number of Christian keeps decreasing. At least 2.6 million Christian in Nigeria have been killed since the 2009 movement of Boko Haram. The side effects of Boko Haram it is also increase the terrorism in Nigeria until 300 percent. And to strengthening group position, they make alliance with

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