Sociological Concepts

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Christina Aguilera’s song, Can’t Hold Us Down includes various examples of the sociological concepts we have covered in this course. The song begins with the lyrics, “So what am I not supposed to have an opinion, should I be quiet just because I'm a woman, call me a bitch cos I speak what's on my mind, guess it's easier for you to swallow if I sat and smiled.” When I had first heard these lyrics I related this to the discrimination in society. According to Ferber (2008), everybody in the society is discriminative. This may be against the race, gender, ethnic community or even the physical appearance of an individual. Discrimination may lead to the oppression of a particular group for instance in a school setup, there are cases where a particular…show more content…
Contemporary institutionalized oppression and privilege reveals social complexity. People appear to subscribe to personally established antisocial behavior. Institutionalized oppression makes people to view others in a biased manner. People find that some members of a society are recognized more than others. Boundaries are defined by physical characteristics such as color, race, and gender. Institutionalized oppression and privileges concern communally internalized challenges that cause by accepting social definitions of community role and…show more content…
Appreciating the good in life should be accompanied with recognition of differences; however, people should not address others in a manner that results in unfairness. Often however, differences are met with Rumor and gossip. Rumors, unfounded information spread among people in rapid fashion, as well as gossip, the act of spreading news about other people’s personal lives, are a common theme throughout the song specifically when Christina stated the for mentioned lyrics. Differences should be celebrated not criticized but celebrated. Our society teaches as to appreciate differences. Socializing in society reveals that institutionalized oppression and suppression of power are both sources of benefit and of grief. Appreciating the good in life should be accompanied with recognition of differences; however, people should not address others in a manner that results in unfairness despite the society`s recognition of institutionalized oppression. According to Schiele (2000), in societies such as America, institutionalized oppression is exploited to achieve political power. Such societies seem to teach people that physical differences are a good political resource. The topic reveals much potential in exploitation of institutionalized

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