Schemas Critical Thinking

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Individuals rely on schemas for social and professional organization. Schemas mentally represent what individual bear in life when they regard others, their environments and objects, which are usually informed by attitude (GCU, 2012). There is a relative linkage between schemas and attitudes. Schemas have different roles which are controlled and automatic thinking processes. The automatic thinking processes arrive to individuals mind unconsciously; they are totally automatic at the point that individuals do not have to furnish any effort to deal with them. Their occurrences are without the need of attention or awareness. In the automatic thinking process there is no alerts nor initiation of ideas from interference from previous thoughts processes.…show more content…
These categories of thought are planned ahead before delivery to the intended purposes. Most of these thoughts are very powerful to justify its goals. The controlled thinking processes are precise processes that require individuals to invest more time before to arrive to decisions or determine what the thoughts were about before they are deliverer to be heard or shared among others. The controlled thinking processes require critical thinking, where the thinker is determined to provide a contributive response free of biases. Critical thinking is different from thinking since it requires higher level skill that integrate analyses and evaluation (Vasil, 2015). Finally, individuals are exposed to social roles which they have to deal with in their entire life. Therefore they need to be more attentive when making decisions. Some decisions may be mal-formulated and could be a subjective to biases and confusions. It is evident that the effects of biases are greater with automatic thinking processes since individuals are unable to control its affects. The ideas resorted from automatism processing may be risky and merely result in obvious
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