Exile In 20th Century Literature

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Self-Imposed Exile and Intellectual Growth: Reading of the Twentieth Century Literature Abstract: At the heart of this paper is the quest to answer the contemporary question regarding how exile influences the mindset of a writer. Besides, the paper addresses how such mindset alterations influence his or her creations. Characterized by language and writing, literature, similar to all forms of art, depend on a public (Berg, 2012). As such, the study of any literature written in the English language constitutes English literature with the writers coming from across the world. Contemplating on the issue of exile is one of the most influential and instrumental approaches to modern literature. Key words: Literature, Exil, Growth, Writers.…show more content…
Such is done by pointing to the specific body of movements and works through which the positive attitude expatriation becomes the basis for a complex global-view. Focusing on the concept of exile, this paper assesses the various aspects of exile as negative and positive aspects with a keen focus on the place of the writer in the 20th century. Besides, the paper addresses what makes literature unique as part of the art form. The paper is divided into four sections. The first section examines the meaning and antiquity of exile and variants of exile. The second section presents the conceptualization of exile in the 20th Century movements and the cannon of exile in literature. The third section addresses the literary consequences of the concept including examples of artists of who have victims of the same. Finally, the fourth section is a recommendation for the modern writers and a conclusion that follows the above…show more content…
According to Susan (1998), exile is not a new issue to deal with. Such is because of the many traces of it in Christianity, ancient Greece and the expulsion of rebels from the Soviet Union among other forms of literature. In Christianity, voluntary exile is considered to be overcoming the temptations and sins that Christians encounters in their daily lives (Mudimbe-Boyi, 1993). As such, Christianity holds that exile is the primary way that leads to salvation. This defines the distance between God and Christians and ultimately from getting into the Kingdom of Heaven. Consequently, a large number of wanderers enforced themselves into voluntary exile, placing themselves in isolation from other people they could live with. For instance, Monks and Hermits rejected the world, voluntarily withdrawing from other people for the sake of being closer to God. By so doing, the duo discovered that staying away from the daily temptations and bustle of the world can potentially push them closer God and as such, Him better. Moreover, the duo believed that God’s blessings sanction such

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