Social Work With Groups Reflective Report

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Social Work with Groups is one area of Social Work that I will like to explore more as I want to practice with groups. I have been in various groups at school and church but I did not know much about groups until I started this course. Social Work with Groups course has increased my interest and the desire to specialize my practice as a Social Worker with groups as I have realized the importance of group guidelines, the types of groups and ethical considerations in groups. I was really captivated on the first of Social Work with Groups class. The making of group guideline in class changed my perspective about group contract and widened my understanding of group guidelines. As the lesson was going on and students began to say some of the things they want in their groups, I began to ponder on some of the groups I have joined previously. I realized by the end of the first day of Social Work with Groups class that most of the groups that I joined did not have group guidelines and that might be the reason why people were not committed and why the groups were unsuccessful. For example, in my life Span Phycology class, I was in a group to complete an assignment and there were no explicit guidelines for the group. The group members assumed that we are all adults and therefore very responsible…show more content…
For example, I learned in Social Work with Groups class that Treatment groups, Task groups, Self-help groups, support groups and Therapy groups are some of the types of groups. I did not know the types of groups before I started this course. Knowing the elements makes it easier for me to pick the group that I will like to join. For example, if I have a need I will join a treatment group as the purpose is on member’s personal needs. On the other hand, if I need to execute a task or want things in a more formal way, I will join or recommend task

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