Dramatic Monologue

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Fate is a funny thing. It can sneak up on you and change your life in an instant. It shadows you all your life silently following your every move, watching, waiting, till you need it most. Fate can come in all different shapes and sizes, a job offer, an acceptance letter, or a wedding ring. For me it came not in a wax sealed envelope with fancy calligraphy, but a Panda Express fortune cookie. It was a cool yet curiously humid afternoon, the skies seemed to snarl as it threatened to rain. I gazed over the array of tables splayed over the crispy brown grass. Business was slow, most shoppers had gone to lunch. I silently counted the sales we had made. All together we had made a admissible profit, enough to support my sister Kayla’s CSD, Compulsive…show more content…
But as afternoon and lunchtime inevitably approached, the steady flow of customers slowly became a trickle, and then dissolved into nothing. I sat idle in my lawn chair, anxiety gnawing at my insides. I had applied to open enroll to a new school district, for my freshman year of high school. This wasn’t a conventional, run of the mill, average school. Voted one of America’s most challenging high schools, it was Harvard’s high school carbon copy, the U of K, Kimberly High School . Only 25 out of the countless number of applicants were accepted. the school stated that all applicants would know whether they got in or not, by Friday. And of course it was, yup you guessed it,…show more content…
My stomach churned and unease plagued my mind. I floundered about in my chair in a futile attempt to get comfortable. My mind was racing as if it were trying to win the Indy 500. My ability to focus on anything but my nerves was nonexistent. I inhaled deeply, tasting the thick,cool air on my tongue, as it rolled down my throat, in a fruitless effort to free my mind. I attempted to force fatigue upon myself, in pursuit to forget all the stress and anxiety of the past few days. I forcefully closed my eyes, nothing. Sleep was evading me as if I were a the godzilla to its Tokyo. Then, the vibration of my phone sliced through the dense air, jolting my body into a frenzy. I flew across the table, grasping the phone in my fingers.It’s my dad, I immediately picked up. “Hello,” I answered shaking with excitement, yet a shadow of dread loomed over my shoulder. “Hey sweets, I just picked up the mail, and there’s a letter for you.” My dad says
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