Social Learning Theory

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In my humble opinion the article by Becker did at great job at applying the fundamentals of social learning theory to the concept of deviant behavior and how it may be constantly reinforced if the circumstances and environment allow 3 distinct characteristics for learning. Now it should also be noted that there are countless ways in which an individual may learn something and Becker’s approach tends to focase on a particular broad general learning theory that is reminiscent of vocational learning. The first condition for learning that Becker establishes in this article on marijuana use is that first an individual must learn the technique, in much the same way a worker might learn a trade. In my cases this was bar tending. Where as the marijuana user must learn certain nuisances such as how to inhal, hold the joint or keep is finger on the carb in order to master the technique of smoking, I had to develop a sense of order and…show more content…
In fundamental terms this means being able to associate the “feeling of being high” as diffrenet from the individuals normal state of consciousness. In my cases this would be crafting a drink smooth enough that the patrons keep drinking at a consistent rate until they are noticeably inebriated. Even if all the procedures are done correctly their has to be a way to noticeably perceive some sort reaction to your action. Here it becomes somewhat unclear however if such a condition is indeed a form of “learning” in a classical sense or if the perceived in put, out put dynamic is more of a motivational enforcer that helps condition some one in to engaging in a behavior. Though “learning theory” scholars may argue this is not true learning I would offer up to them that some sort of perceived achievement or failure brought on by action is a crucial form of engagement necessary to facilitate interest and generate “true

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