Social Learning Theory Analysis

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The theorists have developed numerous concepts in order to discover the different reasons for crime deviance. One of the most prominent theories is the social learning theory developed by Ronald Akers. Theory explains four association factors that might influence a person to commit a crime and is concerned with the effects of juvenile behavior through peer association. According to the book, “Fundamentals of criminology,” it mentions the four different components of social learning theory: “The four major concepts are: deferential association, definition, differential reinforcement and imitation” (Frailing and Harper 2013, p. 105). This theory asserts the different learning methods that an adolescent can implement when he or she is trying to…show more content…
Researchers are trying to correlate the different factors that are affecting the juvenile’s deviant behavior with substance abuse. The social learning and social bonding theories are the main perspectives concerned with sociological factors that might influence an adolescent to show a deviant behavior. The article “Parental and peer influences on adolescent drug use in Korea” is concerned with the peer and parental influence in an adolescent’s substance abuse and deviant behavior in Pusan, South Korea. Moreover, researchers created a study based on findings by American criminologist that emphasize that peer influence is greater than parental influence when adolescents engage or refrain from a deviant behavior. The study is concerned with proving Americans finding that peers have a stronger influence in the adolescent’s substance abuse, “American research shows that drug-related attitudes and behavior by adolescents are strongly influenced by peer association” (Hang, Akers 2006 p. 52). In addition, researchers show how direct or indirect parental relation and peer relations have an effect in Korean’s adolescent’s substance abuse. Finally, researchers will present their findings in regards to how often adolescent’s had substance abuse (alcohol, tobacco, depressants and stimulants) also, the research present questions such as: attitudes, parental…show more content…
Peer association is a bigger influence than parental influence is due to the adolescent having more of an opportunity to gain access to these drugs or alcohol through their peer groups rather than their parents. Reason being is because the adolescent might feel as if they are being peer pressured, or trying to fit in to a specific group of friends. Peer association was more of a direct influence when talking about drugs and alcohol, but the results of this research conducted also indicated that the parents had a substantial amount of their adolescent’s involvement indirectly on drugs and alcohol. The adolescents who lacked supervision from their parents were subject to lead towards alcohol and tobacco use. Parent’s reaction had a greater direct than indirect influence on alcohol use, and the research also indicated that the father’s and mother’s use of stimulants had a direct influence on the adolescent’s use of stimulants. The study also showed that if the adolescent’s parents used alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, then they more than likely have peer groups that like wise use those three

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