Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory

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SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS For this assignment, you will view the video about “Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory” (Davidson, 2003). Complete this Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory Video Notes document. You must answer each question using complete sentences and following current APA format. For the final question, you will construct 1–2 solid paragraphs of at least 400 words in answer to the question. You must use at least 1 scholarly source in your paragraphs. Note: This paragraph should be able to be included in your Final Paper. You must write complete sentences and follow current APA guidelines. You can cite direct quotes from the video as follows: (Davidson, 2003). You can see how to complete the reference…show more content…
Self-efficacy refers to perceptions of one’s capabilities to produce actions; outcome expectations involve beliefs about the anticipated outcomes of those actions (Slavin & Schunk, 2017). Additionally, Bandura (1986) defined self-efficacy as “people’s judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performance” (p. 391). Name and describe the 4 major ways that one can develop a strong sense of self-efficacy as presented in the video by Bandura. 1.Vicarious experience is a way to develop a strong sense of self-efficacy. If you see someone doing something you desire to do it will boost their self-efficacy. 2. Observer and model relationship. According to the video the observer and model relationship is key. The more the observer like or respect the model, the easier to listen and follow. 3. Emotional arousal, when you surround yourself around people or environments that are non-stressful, will improve one’s self-efficacy. 4. Verbal persuasion can help develop self-efficacy because what people say can influence our belief. Therefore, surrounding yourself around peoples who’s giving positive feedbacks, compliments or congratulations will uplift one’s…show more content…
Self-efficacy reflects confidence in the ability to exert control over one's (Bandura, 1977). According to Bandura, Self-efficacy can be low or high. People who have low self-efficacy does not possess strong confidence in their ability to perform particular task, and typically try to avoid them. On the contrary, people who have high self-efficacy, has a sure confidence in their ability to succeed in a particular situation or perform a task. High efficacy people view tasks as a challenge rather than fear They are not concern about their capabilities. An example of Self-efficacy would be, I am very confident that I will be able to understand and retain the information in this chapter. I believe if I read this chapter up and down that I will be able to explain to my readers, what self-efficacy is. I know that I have the ability to score real high on this assignment because I have committed to studying the material. Now, for those who agree with these statements, would be consider high self-efficacy and those who mainly disagree would be consider low

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