Essay On Hand Hygiene

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Educate about the importance of hand hygiene for preschoolers aged 4-6 years old. The simplest activity such as hand hygiene is the most important to prevent the spread of infection (Health Promotion Board, 2013). A naturally active preschoolers risk of getting infection when they use their dirty hands to rub their eyes or place fingers in their mouth. Singapore has encountered outbreaks of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD). According to the Communicable Disease Surveillance in Singapore 2012 annual report, there was an eighty percent increase in the number of reported HFMD cases from 20,687 cases in 2011 to 37,125 cases in 2012 (Ministry of Health Singapore, 2013). In line with Ministry of Health (MOH) response to the HFMD outbreak, public education was enhanced and increased spot checks on preschool centres were carried out. Thus it is critical for the preschoolers to learn and know the importance of hand hygiene. According to Smidt (----), many understand that children learn through their interactions and own experiences. One way of learning hand hygiene is through social learning theory as proposed by Albert Bandura (1977). Social learning theory is when one learnt by observing, identifying and imitating behaviours where…show more content…
Task that are too simple or already within the present abilities do not promote learning leads to boredom. On the other hand, tasks that are too complex become frustrating and no learning occur. The task of ZPD is the thing that the preschoolers can almost do themselves but need the help of others to accomplish. Learning takes place in this zone. After receiving help or getting directions from the MKO, the preschoolers will eventually able to do the task on their own successfully, thus shifting them out of the ZPD and enhanced their developmental level (Vygostky, 1978) and take responsibility for learning (Papalia et al.,

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