Social Learning Theories

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I would have to say that I agree with all of the learning theories that are in the book however I think that I favor the social learning the most. The social learning theory is the one that suggests that we learn gender roles from the environment that surrounds us. We learn by being rewarded and or punished for portraying the correct gender roles that go with our own gender. I think that I favor this theory the most because it is one that is seen in everything around you nowadays. Everywhere you look you are reminded of the gender roles. When it comes to clothing, the way to speak, the way you act, even the way you act. There always is someone saying, “Act like a lady” or “That’s not very ladylike” with everything that a little girl does. I favor this…show more content…
It has become a norm in our society for women to be the weaker sex and have to rely on the male so protect us, save us, support us, yet in my mind I don’t need a man for any of that. Little boys are taught to be those strong, protective, emotionless, saviors, and yet that is not how men have to be in my eyes. There are so many positive and negative side effects from this theory. Some positive ones are the fact that by our environment we can learn how to act like a lady or like a man. We are shown the rights and wrongs of those genders just by viewing our surrounds. However the negative sides to it is that for some people if you dare to go against your own gender and stray into the opposite gender roles you can be punished. Yet there is nothing wrong with a little boy wanting to play with a doll or a little girl playing in the mud. This can also put a huge limit upon young children on what they can do with themselves. They are being taught that straying to the opposite gender is something that shouldn’t be don’t and it is detrimental to the person you will become. I think that little girls and little boys should be able to do whatever they want when it comes to gender roles and should never

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